Monday, January 25, 2010

Folk Object

via folk object



Folk Object is an "ongoing collection of ornament & utility" curated by graphic designer Clifton Burt. The wooden birds are by artist Sanna Annukka who's equally captivating screen prints and lithographs deserve a post of their own.

Monday, January 18, 2010

global warming is a hoax

winter in leipzig

this is pretty much how I feel at the moment.

{taken at my school

Sunday, January 10, 2010

100 shades of gray

I read somewhere that the human eye is capable of recognizing around 100 different shades of gray... Here in Leipzig I think I've seen them all. In general I find that January is long cold and uncalled for, but as it will probably be around for a while I've been hoarding inspiration in colorful interiors





via living etc. and marie claire maison.

It's been snowing for days and if this blizzard continues I will need a snow plow to get out