Things seem to moving along at the speed of light around here, leaving no time to catch my breath. Officially, I was in Hamburg on Saturday for an audition. But between us, that was just the cover story. My real motive was of course my continuing mission: Operation not-ugly-wedding shoes. Sadly I came back empty handed (which was luckily only a partial failure because I did manage to get the job). Next week there will be a chance for redemption when I go for another "audition". Hamburg is very serious about the shopping and it is definitely not for the faint of heart or modest of budgets. It's hardcore- so wish me luck.
also on my mind:
1. Sights and sounds of the new wave Gothic festival. Once a year Leipzig crosses over to the dark side, big time. For a few days the city is flooded with the most fascinating if not mildly disturbing masses of bizarrely decorated human beings I have ever seen. Pierced and tattooed faces, altered eyeballs, sharpened pointy teeth and elaborate black costumes all crowd the streets and trams. The locals hit the streets for the ultimate people watching experience and everybody eats würst and drinks beer (which come to think of it is pretty much par for the course for everything from Easter to Christmas) .Coming home on the tram I felt very conspicuous in my jeans and flip flops and had to laugh as the grandma sitting across from me couldn't take her eyes off a mostly naked corset-clad cat lady .
2. Packing, tying up loose ends, and leaving Leipzig. A hyperactive individual by the name of Uwe called me early one morning to see if he could come get my closet RIGHT NOW. When he got here I couldn't tell if his 1980's Jazzercise headband was ironic or for real but I made him coffee anyways and looked on as he dismantled my furniture.
3. Fonts, stamps and paper. You guessed it-let the invitation fiesta begin! After an afternoon spent on the phone trying to figure out the logistics of Prägezangen and Prägeapparate we're taking this bull by the horns and doing it ourselves. I'm only afraid that like with all crafty projects, things could go terribly wrong and we'll end up with invitations that look like glitter covered ransom notes.
4. My mood these days is very dependent on the mega-to-do-list. Crossing things off makes me very happy-looking at the remaining 20 pages does not. I leave in 14 days and for some reason this stuff is not packing itself...
Photo collage by Richard Avedon
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