Monday, October 31, 2011

moving and misc.

Being the charming old Jugendstil building that it is, Schumannstraße has no elevator. Which made moving and schlepping our things up to the fourth floor an extremely cathartic experience. As in, why don't we go Zen and donate all of our belongings to charity and live in an empty white apartment with one simple Futon on the floor and two wooden bowls for meals....There is great beauty in simplicity-no?
H. ,being the more practical one, pointed out that this was a wonderful idea but might get complicated later on. So we dragged everything up stairs, all 68 of them :

Which resulted in this disaster:


So we then proceeded to shift around boxes from room to room and finally managed to clear a space for this: (which, should you happen to stop by for dinner, is where you will sit)


Friday, October 28, 2011

a little stop motion

In lieu of my absence I leave you with a small peace offering, a stop motion from our fantastic photographer Asaf Kliger. In the meantime, we are busy here at Schumann str. moving mountains, painting walls and fighting epic battles with a wash machine named Blomberg. Days are spent moving boxes in confusion from one room to another. All of this to follow in a chapter titled : "Becoming Hamburgers".

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Now we are Hamburg-ers




So Schumann Straße it is ! It's a sweet little Frankenstein of an apartment with 4 different kinds of floors, a few old Jugendstil details and a great view over the rooftops of Barmbek. I'm not even sure how we beat the competition for this apartment....They probably all have police records. And play something worse than the violin.We symbolically got the keys on Erev Succot and now we're packing up our bags and getting ready for the next leg of the journey in which we will attempt* to gather our things from Leipzig and Berlin and schlepp them back to Hamburg. It is definitely time to move on. The Lodge is getting crowded and down the hall, some hipster is practicing their guitar.

*I say attempt, because the last time I visited the Basement of Doom in Leipzig, it looked like the Black Plague had taken over during the Summer and eaten half of my things.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Just waiting in suspense for the final verdict on an apartment we saw.
No big deal....


photo via the LIFE photo archive
which by the way is fantastic

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Unbelievably, it was one month ago today...










all photos by Asaf Kliger