Saturday, March 31, 2012

666, Too many rehearsals, and a love letter from Dresden

So, it seems like we might just have made it safely to the end of an epically long week. First there were concerts.The 6th symphony program of the season was cheekily titled "The Sixth Sense" and we played Beethoven's 6th and Sibelius 6th but none of this rather creepy/inappropriate numerology seemed to really bother anybody.Then I schlepped myself to Leipzig for a marathon of rehearsals,lessons, and a concert/exam
(Stravinsky!Schubert!Bach! Brahms!...Migraine!)


After that I hopped right back on the train back to Hamburg for a new project this morning.Then the weather messed with our minds and played nasty tricks ... It was spring and everything was warm and lovely and optimistic-and then it snowed and it wasn't anymore. Another highlight was a letter we got from our friends at the Oberlandesgericht Dresden who you might remember from previous posts about our various attempts at civil marriage. (which you can read about here and here) Anyhow, in a rather round about way of congratulating us, they sent us a 50 Euro fine. Apparently, once you start THE PROCESS, there are no backsies.You can't just go to Cyprus and get married on your own just because you feel like it. (or they make it impossible etc. etc.) Very classy Dagmar! next time a Hallmark card will do just fine.


And so, I am currently much in need of a stiff drink, exotic vacation, or some sort of nice therapy where they let you paint or play the xylophone in a sunny room or just hang out and talk to farm animals...or all of the above. Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, March 23, 2012

One of the things that I love about using my Holga, is that the film usually ends up turning into a mini time the time I finish a roll and take it to be developed, I've completely forgotten and am wonderfully surprised by the random collection  inside. This time I found sunny pictures from the Amalfi Coast,





and a heard of sheep roaming the Negev.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday afternoon in Leipzig, because more often than not, coffee breaks make everything better. Now back to the rehearsal Gulag...

*curtesy of Ms. Feinschmecker

Thursday, March 15, 2012

If you ever find your self wandering around Israel and hungry, a trip to Rama's Kitchen in Nataf is definitely in order*...we were there in September and I've been waiting to go back ever since.
The food is fresh , seasonal, and has the kind of surprising flavors that really make you wish you had thought of that yourself. The place itself is simple - perched on on a mountainside with a breathtaking view and surrounded by flowers and herbs .

 I noticed that  the dishes were unique handmade stoneware, and when I asked about them I found out that they are all made by local ceramic artist Rony Armoza. This visit home I finally made it to his shop and picked up a few small pieces to bring back with me. I especially loved some of the simpler pieces that combine rough earthy tones with beautiful blues and greens (created by double firing in a gas kiln). While I was there Rony mentioned that he just opened a new Etsy shop and will be slowly adding more pieces.

rony armoza,blogged

* Rama's kitchen is open on weekends and  special events, 
and it's usually worth calling ahead to reserve a table
** The last photo is from Rony's website.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Scenes from a short visit home

Nuclear ducks and other troubling current events aside, our short trip was divine. We played a concert up North, spent time with family and friends, and ate insanely good food. My favorite moment on any flight home is always about 5 minutes before landing, when Tel Aviv suddenly appears on the horizon out of nowhere ...

We spent the first few days in rehearsals, eating way too much Hummous, reading newspapers right to left, and drinking good coffee.

We watched blue skies after a storm in Jaffa,

where I took many pictures, fueling my blue door addiction.

Later we spent time in Jerusalem where I stalked Persian ceramics in the Old City,

and found the perfect Bedouin carpet for Schumann Str.

Next up : A perfect meal in the Judean Hills, and a new ceramics obsession.